Boundaries & Endless Negotiations

Boundaries & Endless Negotiations— The Holiday break is a never-ending cycle of children pushing boundaries, and parents, inevitably, giving in. More chocolate? Ok fine.  More screen time? One more episode.  More candy? Just one more.  Later bed time? Ok, you can stay up for another 30 min. 

So how do we get back to those pre-Holiday boundaries without epic meltdowns and push-back? 

The answer is there is NO shortcut, there is no quick fix. We must simply push through their resistance and allow a healthy release of emotions along the way. This  is actually good for them, as it helps them move through their feelings quicker and ultimately build trust in  your relationship. 

Holding boundaries is HARD, but CONSISTENTLY sticking to them is the KEY to putting an end to those power struggles with your little ones. And at the end of the day, kids crave discipline. It subconsciously makes them feel safe and protected. 

So parents, let’s get back on track and HOLD FIRM those boundaries going forward.


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