Kidnasium FAQ

  • Do I have to enroll for a full year?

    Kidnasium programs are great because you do not have to commit for a full year. As long as you provide an emailed 30 days notice, you are able to withdraw at any time. Your drop date would be set to 30 days upon receipt of your cancellation email. Depending on when your cancellation is received, a prorated charge may be applied towards the following month.

  • How and when are monthly payments made?

    Payments are processed on the 15th of each month for the following month (For example, November payment will be processed on October 15th). If the 15th of the month falls on a weekend, payments will be processed on the Friday prior.

  • Do you offer trial classes?

    At Kidnasium, we offer a one month trial as we have found this gives our students the opportunity to get comfortable in the environment, develop a relationship with their coaches and peers as well as begin to demonstrate the skills they are being taught. As we run on a monthly tuition basis, joining our program for one month trial allows families the opportunity to decide if they would like to extend after their trial is over and then pay for the following month if they decide to continue.

  • Can I pause my lessons?

    We are unable to pause memberships, however, if you need to cancel your enrollment, you are able to submit your 30 days emailed cancellation notice and when you are ready to return, you can inquire by reaching us via email at to see if the class you are hoping to join still has space available or we are happy to offer alternative class options if it works with your availability/ schedule. 

  • Do you offer makeup classes?

    We offer one makeup token per month for students who miss a class. The token has an expiration date of 30 days and can be put towards any class. Make up classes can only be used if you are enrolled in our programs. For example, if you have set your drop date and were hoping to use your makeup token after this date, the token will no longer be available. 

  • Can you register at any time or do you need to start at the beginning of the term?

    Registration is open all year round and we are always accepting new students. You can email us at

    to inquire about classes that would best suit the needs of your child and we are happy to make recommendations based on what you are looking for.

  • Are there any sibling discounts?

    We offer a 20% sibling discount for both camps and classes. 

  • Can Drop in Play passes be used for more than one child?

    Each student is required to have their own drop in play pass. Passes cannot be shared amongst siblings or friends.

  • What’s your cancellation policy?


    Classes run on a monthly tuition-based recurring payment schedule. All monthly tuition will be charged on the 15th of the prior month (i.e. October tuition will be charged on September 15th). Notice of withdrawal from a class or program will be required by midnight, a full 30 days prior to the next charge date and done in writing via email to


    Cancellation for camps and classes will be required by midnight, 21 days prior to the start date for a FULL CREDIT. Cancellations made after this date will be subject to a $50 cancellation fee.