Let’s Get Active!

New Year is synonymous with being ACTIVE in an effort to start new healthy habits for the year. But did you know that being active can also boost your energy and your immune system during the cold, dark winter months? So during a time when the wicked flu is rampant and colds are aplenty, armor your kids with the strongest immunity they can develop by enrolling them in our classes and camps. 

So what exercises promote the biggest bang for your effort? While ANY form of exercise is good, some are more beneficial this time of year. Anything in the realm of gymnastics delivers not only on mobility, flexibility and strength, but also on increasing energy levels and developing a strong immune response. That’s because gymnastics increases skeletal muscle strength that in turn promotes a strong immune system. Additionally, the  various back bend exercises stimulate the sympathetic nervous system, thus boosting kids' energy levels. Not convinced? Give gymnastics a try. 


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