Fighting Over Toys

The gifts were abundant. The toys are overflowing, and yet, here they are - your kids fighting over the same toy! What do you do?

Try this technique: Do not referee, do not intervene, and do not try to solve their argument. You’re the neutral party to this game, cool, calm and collected. And in that mindframe, start narrating to them what you see happening before your eyes: 

‘I see you both want to play with this toy, Joey, you want to play with the train. Sammy, you also want to play with the train.” 

Calling out their names makes them both feel seen and invites a pause in their squabble.

You can then follow up by saying “So what do you think we can do here?” and allow them to come up with solutions themselves. 

Most often, they will resolve the squabble themselves and you can go back to enjoying peace and quiet. 


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