Parental Instructions

Parents, listen up! 

Do not repeat the same instruction to your child more than twice.

So then how do you get your kid to do what you want?  You might ask. 

A valid question - and we might have a new approach for you to consider. 

If they don’t respond after the first time you told them something, YOUR communication is ineffective. 

Consider that maybe you’re confusing them, or giving them mixed direction, or simply your direction is not being understood. 

So the next time you repeat yourself, make a connection with them first. Move closer to them so they can hear you clearly.  Kneel down to their eye level and hold a gentle eye contact. Lower your voice, and speak more slowly. When we change our tone of voice, it signals to them that they need to pay attention.

Then repeat the instruction and give options. 

If they still don’t listen after this, perhaps there’s something more going on… and you may need to do some investigating. 

But parents, remember, to keep your communication effective in the future, do not repeat yourself a third time! And you certainly don’t need to yell. You’ll become that buzzing, annoying background noise that eventually they’ll learn to ignore. 


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