Nutrition-Most parents ask themselves how they can promote a healthy diet for their picky children. The first piece of advice we can give you is, respect their appetite. Children's little bodies go through so much while they are young and growing and, often, this affects their appetite. If they aren't hungry, try not to force a meal or snack on them. If you let them know you are there when they are hungry, you better believe they will be tugging on those pant legs the second that they are. Try to stick to a routine - if they are used to eating breakfast, lunch, and dinner at a certain time, they will learn to be hungry at those times. Try making mealtime fun! If they are involved in picking meals and helping you cook them, they will most likely want to eat what they have made. We know you want to do whatever possible to get your child to eat, but do not turn yourself into a short order cook. If you start down the path of cooking different meals to cater to your child's pickiness, they will never let you forget it. Trust us! We've been there. Last, and most of all, model good eating habits. Children do what they see. Let them see you enjoying your meal - kids don't like missing out on anything yummy. Be patient. We know most days it seems like an uphill battle, but when you reach the top, it is so worth it!