Your Child’s Attention Span

Do you know what the average attention span is for your child’s age? This is important to know as you consider what activities, classes or events you engage them in. Because when they lose focus - it’s most likely because time’s run out on their attention span. And no, watching TV does not apply to these guidelines, as that is passive attention. 

These averages are based on active attention, when they are engaged with an activity that they’re actively participating in. And please note, these averages are just that - averages, and we recognize that they vary from age to age, and child to child. Use them as guidelines only.

2 years  - 4-6 minutes

4 years - 8-12 minutes

6 years - 12 - 18 minutes

8 years - 16 - 24 minutes

10 years - 20 -30 minutes 

12 years - 24 - 36 minutes

Knowing this, does this change how you might select any future activities for your child? 


Light that fire in their belly


Class Participation