Working From Home

Working from home has become the new norm and most of us have seen our typical routines make a 180'. For many, it was already a challenge to multi-task work and family pre-pandemic; now, a new challenge has been thrown into the mix - raising your kids while adapting to your new work from home schedule. Schools and daycare closings and “social distancing” restrictions mean that families are suddenly spending a lot more time at home together. Many working parents are facing an unprecedented situation: working from home with kids and without access to the camps, babysitters, playdates, and even Grandparent-dates that they might normally rely on to get through a school break or a snow day. It won’t always be smooth or perfect, but there are a few strategies you can implement to make your work schedule a little easier! Discovering this new world has inspired us to gather a few tips to add to your daily routine that may help you!

If you have another adult home with you, consider a split schedule. It may not be possible to get all your work done during regular business hours if you’re also on duty with the kids. You might need to make adjustments to your work schedule in order to watch your children, but before you do, be open and communicate with your employer and coworkers. Instead of doing everything within the previously accepted 9am-5pm work day, take note of deadlines and complete work before the deadline when you are able to. Perhaps consider staggered worktimes during the day, splitting your schedule with your partner, completing projects during kids naptime or work in the evening when the children are in bed. Take short breaks. Step away from your desk. Step outside for a breath of fresh air. Stretch and unwind for a few minutes. Short breaks do more than you think. They help prevent stress and burnout, maintain performance throughout the day, and reduce the need for a long recovery at the end of the day. Trying these simple tips and tricks could make your new norm tolerable and help you feel more balanced, productive and more at ease.


Parental Sensory Overload


Finding Balance