Phrases of Love

In keeping with the theme of showing our children we love them, here are 8 phrases we can say to our kids - and that will feel like a giant HUG to them. Save this post and come back to it anytime you want to connect with your child! 

  1. You have an important and valuable voice in this family 

  2. It’s safe to trust your inner voice

  3. You teach me important lessons 

  4. All of your feelings matter 

  5. BEing angry never makes you bad. Your anger is trying to tell you something. 

  6. All bodies came in different shapes, colours and sizes, and YOURS is magnificent the way it is! 

  7. IN this family, we celebrate failing at new things 

  8. You are valuable regardless of your achievements

Put it in your own words and see how their face lights up when you give them these massive verbal hugs. 

Ps: try these on adults too ;) Afterall, we all have an inner child. 


Our 3 Golden Home Rules 


Giving Kids Compliments That Show Them Your Love