Help Your Kid Love Their Sport

Did you know that approximately 70 percent of children will stop playing sports by the time they’re teenagers, with girls quitting at two times the rate as boys?! That’s concerning given the health and obesity epidemic our children’s generation is facing. 

So how can we ensure our kids continue to engage in physical activities well into their teenage years? 

We make sure they like, no, LOVE, what they do! 

Here are 3 ways to help your kid LOVE their sport: 

  1. Be a role model for your children. Don’t just tell them physical activity is important, but show them you mean it. And show them the positive effects from ongoing physical activity. Active parents inspire active children, as they grow up used to seeing it ever-present in their lives. 

  2. Talk to your children. Ask them what they like about the sport or activity they’re currently involved in. Ask them what else they might like to try out. And remind them that anything they’re doing should first and foremost, be FUN! 

  3. Don’t be a sideline coach during their game. Step back and let the actual coaches do their job, motivate your child, and provide them with constructive feedback to increase their skill level. 


Show Your Child Their Importance


Sit Together On A Feelings Bench