Our 3 Golden Home Rules 

Every household has its own set of rules that help our children understand their boundaries and help keep them safe and disciplined. We wanted to share 4 house rules that help establish honesty, openness, safety and respect for one another. 

Curious what they are? Read below (finger pointing down)

  1. “No one gets in trouble for telling the truth.” - This one is a gem, and will foster openness and honesty without fear of consequences.

  2. There is no just thing as a silly question in this home! You can always ask me ANYTHING! - This one will allow them to act on their curiosity and come to YOU first with their questions, before sourcing their answers elsewhere. 

  3. If someone says ‘stop’, we stop. - This rule keeps everyone feeling safe, even in a game of friendly tickling, and teaches kids physical boundaries and respecting eachother’s ‘no’s or ‘stop’. 

We’d love to know what ‘Golden House Rules’ you have at home that your family has adopted? Share them with us! 


Class Participation


Phrases of Love